Company details
Sole Proprietor Mikhailiuk Pavel Alekseevich
Software development worldwide
Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor 305246221300012
GAZPROMBANK (JOINT - STOCK COMPANY) SWIFT code: GAZPRUMM034 in VOSTOCHNO-SIBIRSKY BRANCH, MAERCHAKA ST. 10, 4-14, KRASNOYARSK, RUS Correspondent bank account №: LU643790111780352004 with Bank GPB International S.A., Luxembourg Correspondent bank SWIFT code: GAZPLULL Transit account № (EUR): 40802.978.7.00007000379 Beneficiary's account № (EUR): 40802.978.6.00000000434 Beneficiary's name: Sole proprietor Mikhailiuk Pavel Alekseevich |
Software development in Russia
Taxpayer identification number ("INN"): 2462073857
Tax registration reason code ("KPP"): 246201001
General State Registration Number ("OGRN"): 1222400024329
Details of ruble bank account
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Pavel Mikhailiuk